Very much so ...
Red Peppers (one 149g serving) contain 9g of Carbohydrate (with some being from fiber) and so it is considered a Keto food, if you count it as part of the 25g limit of carbs you'll have per day.
But here's the kicker; some of that carbohydrate (3.0g) is fiber which means that a whole serving has less than 6 grams of carbs in it. That's almost nothing.
I don't care what diet you're on, in my book that counts as a low-carb food which means you can eat as many servings of red peppers as you like and not have to worry.
Red peppers have almost no fat and a small amount of protien which means when you eat it you'll basically have almost no insulin spike.
Controlling insulin is key when it comes to the Keto diet and adding in red peppers ensures that you are as safe as can be with that food group.
Eat and be healthy.